Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Filming Introspective

Looking back at the filming experience from this past weekend, I think it could’ve gone smoother. For one thing, our group mate Tim was not able to make it. This is because he had a sudden change of plan. Another issue was we had a time frame and not a clear view on the films idea. Because we were only able to film for one weekend it didn't turn out as well as I hoped it would. We also had some really bad scenes, and now looking at it we will have to reshoot.
     For example, in the picture below we have our group mate Carter who was acting as a police officer. This was supposed to be a big plot point. However, we cut out the trial scenes from our storyboard as we had nowhere to film. So the police character didn't really make sense for the movie. This phenomenon happened alot of times because of the scenes we changed from the storyboard. That is something to learn; to stick to the original plan. 
   This weekend I think we can bounce back on path. We plan to film on Saturday, and me edit on Sunday. This will work but it may be rushed. However, nobody is to blame but our poor planning. I think we all know what we have to change. I hope that we can change it for the better. While we may change our storyboard, after filming again we will be able to finally make a good film.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Filming the Final Project

      This weekend was the first recording session for our final project. My group members picked me up at 12 pm Saturday. They had already recorded scenes that they needed without me. I decided I would bring props like, sunglasses, figurines, keys, and other things. These were used during the filming process the entire time so it was worth it. We started filming right away wasting no time. However we think we could have done some things better. Because of this we may reshoot many scenes. 
      For example, we had Jake dress in kid like clothing to signify when he was younger. However it looks quite idiotic because you can see his face and that he's the same age. A way around this is to reshoot all of the scenes from the kid in their POV. That way you don't see Jakes face. We were also missing a group member Tim. Tim would have helped greatly in the process. If he is here with us next time we film it will greatly benefit our scenes. 
     We spent about 5 hours filming at Jakes house on Saturday. We did spend some time going to target to try and find any extra props we might have needed. We ended up not buying anything though. I am happy with how alot of scenes turned out. However I am equally unhappy with other scenes. I think we can do better and won't rest for mediocre

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Pre Filming Blog

Before we film this weekend we planned some things we want to get done. The first is making sure we take all safety precautions. This is important to make sure nobody gets hurt. Another thing is making sure everyone can film at the same time. After speaking with my group members it seemed like they could all film in the afternoon but not the morning. Jake will get the camera tommorow and bring it home with him. He is doing this because we will film around his house.
      We also have started to research types of strategies similar plots in movies have used in their intros. This will make filming go faster and give us more inspiration. Filming will probably have one set of scenes on Saturday and the others on Sunday. An example of this is day and night scenes. I am excited to film and bring our creation to life. Our groups storyboard will be recreated. However we may have to change some things on it. After looking at the storyboard again I hope that we don't have to change to much.
       I think we will have a good time filming and wont run into issues. We have prepared alot and are ready to go at any time. I also have thought of any ideas on how to make the editing fit into the film. That will probably be my biggest contribution. Carter researching common thriller openings. 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Planning Blog: Storyboard

        This is our storyboard for our final project for AICE Media Studies. This contains a thoroughly detailed summary of each scene showing what's suppose to happen in this scene. Accompanied with drawings of each events that happens in each scene. It shows the props, Diegetic and non-diegetic sounds and all of the angles and edits in the scene. Gives each and every one of these in detail showing what is happening to the sound or where it's coming from. Or by showing what the props are and what happens to them. It also goes over the specific types of edits that are needed to be used and how to. This storyboard will be used as our guide when we are making our video. With its great amount of detail even showing the settings of each location it will make our jobs incredibly easy. Without this storyboard, we'd be incredibly unorganized and during recording that would be a great problem. It will be a great help.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Planning Blog: Title Design

      This is the plan for the Title Design I have so far. We will follow this plan as closely as possible but I will most likely add some changes. In my opinion, I cannot decide how to make them without having seen a finished short film first. However, I think these ideas will be able to stand up well. As shown I haven't gone super crazy with the ideas. I am also using the classic text you would see in a thriller. One of the few things we will need to alter is the Font spacing, as I haven't figured out what I want it to look like for sure yet. I am also unsure if I will stick to one font the entire time or have 2 or 3. I think the ones I chose at the end will make it in though. I am excited to see the final result and how the titles work in the film.

Planning Blog: Planning Slides Presentation

          This is the planing for our filming. We will follow this plan as closely as possible. However some things might need to be changed if we need to change the plans, or if we change a scene or two. However I think this plan will be able to stand up well. As stated in the plan, we will try to be very safe throughout the creation process.  This movie is going to be a long process, and we are looking forward to completing it. One of the few things we will need to alter is the font, as we haven't figured out what we want it to look like for sure yet. The roles are also finalized, but we may need more people for actors. We also don't know who is going to play what role at the current moment. It is going to be a lot of fun and I am looking forward to doing it.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Planning Blog: Shooting Script


        The PowerPoint below contains my groups shooting script. This PowerPoint will cover everything up to Angles,Movements,Edits, and events that occur in the movie. For each scene their is a title that slightly summarizes whats going just to give a taste of what happens in each scene. Also for each scene the setting for what events are happening is shown. I also included all the events in chronological order with an exception of the beginning. The beginning is what is currently happening with the scenes ahead being a flashback leading to the characters arrest. All the events are gone over in chronological order as shown from top to bottom. All scenes are gone over in detail from the growing of the main character to the murder of the parents which occurs off screen. This power point completely goes over everything that is to happen in the first 2 minutes of our final exam movie. Now that we have our shooting script done we must go over the Sound script of our movie.

Planning Blog: Sound Script

The PowerPoint below contains my group's sound script. This PowerPoint will cover all the Diegetic, Non-Diegetic, and silent moments of the first two minutes of our film. For each scene there is a title that corresponds to the same scene in our shooting script. All the events that are going to occur in our movie are in chronological time except for scene one that occurs in the future. The first scene is meant to be the lead up to the events of the film and will explain who is conducting the voice overs. All the scenes after the first one is meant to be flashbacks narrated by the convict. We be using an old Batman cartoon clip in several places, as well as silence to help built the tension. All our scene’s sounds are gone over in detail, and the music will play in the background. Now that we have both our shooting and sound scripts done, we are that much closer to making our own movie. Overall, we are all looking forward to making this movie and we hope that you will enjoy.