Friday, March 6, 2020

Peer Review Blog

      This Tuesday we did peer reviews of our movies to this date. While we were able to put together a 1:39 video, we did not have time to add the titles. So we are confident we can be at around the correct time with the title scenes added. We graded a group who did their project on cannibal couple. The couple doesn’t get along well, other than when they’re eating. Overall their video was good. They had good titles, and good shots.          There were some issues where some scenes needed to be shorter. The lighting also wasn’t great at times, because some titles blended into the background. Also, my group had trouble finding the exact story while watching, and were confused. However we were able to eventually figure it out. While we were doing that our’s was getting reviewed. One of our peers watched our video, and liked it. His main criticisms were that we didn’t have titles, the story was a little hard to follow, and the camera was a little shaky at times.
       We are going to take these criticisms to make our final video as good as it can be. We are going to reshoot soon. I definitely agree with those issues he had as well. Another thing we need to make sure we do while reshooting is making sure we have a greater variety of camera angles. In the video we have now we only incorporate a few editing techniques and angles, and we need more. I think with these criticisms we have what we need to make a great final project.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Editing the Final Project

     This week, we had another recording session for our film. After this we were much happier with our ability to make a final product. For example, we got an actual adult to act as the parent in our film. I also got clips around the house so I could use it to set the tone in our film. When I sifted through the clips I noticed that we had to scrap alot of them. Jake helped out with this but we had enough to stretch our movie to 2 minutes. 
      The first thing I did when editing was put everything in order and delete the clips I wouldn't use. I then begin adding effects like color correction to set the mood. I then cut clips and made them chronological to the movie idea. After that I added opaque clips on top of others for effect, made pans, and other small things to make it look better as a whole.
      This first editing session took me about 4 hours total. However there is much more to do. A list of things I need to do are: add and design titles, find good sound effects, make final desicion on music, add a little bit of voice acting, and finally revise edits and make them look better. After I do that I will show it to other people. I will do this so I can ask for their opinion on what trey think the movie would be about. We need to make that as obvious as possible. I am very motivated to finish this editing and make the best movie possible. My teammates have been very cooperative and I am excited for their opinions on it. Hopefully we can make a really good final project that blows everyone away.