Friday, April 24, 2020

24 Extract Essay

I believe the director is trying to convey the distrust between the two characters, and itself as a theme overall in the extract. In the extract we see a woman being interrogated about a bomb and information that she only knows. However, this interrogation goes nowhere as both the interrogator and interrogated both do not trust each other. Another example of distrust in this extract is with the people watching the interrogation on camera. It signifies distrust of the man and the other workers, as they are keeping an eye on him.
The scene begins with the interrogator entering a room filled with heavy breathing and anxiety in the air. It pans to a security camera, letting us know that the interview is being recorded. The mood is being set in these scenes, as they exchange glances and the interrogator cautiously puts down a packet of papers. This creates a feeling of unease and seriousness. Next, the woman glances at a clock helping convey her emotions of being anxious, this is filmed with an eye-line match. The woman quickly explains her demands in a serious tone, without any sense of relaxation. We next see the first instance of distrust; the woman will not tell the man who her contact is. As the conversation continues the ambiance gets louder and louder, and so does the score. This shows build-up and pressure in the conversation. The next example of distrust is the man not letting her leave until she tells him what he wants to know. The actor increases in pace as he walks around the room, showing impatience and hinting on an outburst if she keeps refusing his demands. The editing during the dialogue has intense shadows, shaky camera movement, and many jump cuts. Reason for this being the fact that it gives an intense mood to an extract befitting a thriller. After more demands are denied we see the interrogator's first outburst; He picks up a table and throws it into the side of the room, demanding that she needs to stop wasting his time. The perspective is from an over the shoulder shot of the woman, and we can see her shake as he throws it. The director was trying to convey that she had no power in her situation and could not stop him if he did anything rash. The director explains this to the audience with the next lines of dialogue. There is a shot-reverse-shot with the people watching the interview from the camera at the beginning, letting us know that they do not trust the interrogator to be calm after what they just witnessed. Next is the climax of the scene, where the woman claims he would have to follow her lead. This is her breaking point because as of this point, he had all the power in the conversation. This plays out with both their reactions in consecutive jump-cuts, showing the calm before the storm. Right after, he charges at her and we hear the diegetic sound of the chair squealing as it slides on the floor. This is a great sound effect, as it conveys travel and the force, he is pushing her at. Next, a split-screen is shown of the two pushed into the wall and the people outside rushing to resolve the issue. During this the incidental music reaches its climax, creating a feeling of impact and violence.  This climax is done well as the interrogator solves the issue of distrust by deciding to do whatever it takes to get the answers.
All these examples work together to create the director’s vision of distrust towards each other. The way they act shows that they do not feel like creating friendships and only want to benefit themselves. The editing creates a violent and disliking atmosphere between the characters, and the actions showed the anxiety between the two. What is most important is after all the interrogators' insane scare tactics and violent methods, she still stands her ground and sticks up for her demands.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Movie CCR

I had a fun time recording and making the CCR for my movie. For the CCR I decided to be creative and have the movie running in the background. I did this so I could point things out along the way of the CCR. It also gives you something to look at. I had it in the style of a Q and A interview. The way I recorded the CCR was from zoom. Zoom has a built in recording system which made it easy to get the mp4 file to start editing. I didn't change too much while editing though. I just added the song from the movie, a few fades, and put all the clips in order. I also cut out parts with long pauses. Overall, it came out to be 11 minutes and 20 seconds. I feel like this was a good length as any longer would have been me repeating myself. I hope this CCR explained what happened in my brain when making the movie. This project was a really useful experience and I try to convey that in my CCR. I am excited to see what my group mates put for their CCR's. I hope that we do good as this is part of our final. I did repeat myself a few times but that because some parts of the questions overlapped. The hardest part of this CCR was writing the script which was over 3 pages long. I also had to chroma-key the backgrounds in which took some effort. I am sad that this is the last assignment for our class. But I understand that we can't do things like the final exam because of the virus.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Original Movie

I am extremely proud of our group for what we came up with for our final project. After struggling with being separated because of Corona-virus we all came together to make sure we had a well-edited video. As we worked together we learned a ton of new things! It went really well and recordings were a blast. This video let us explore our taste in movies and really make something that could make someone impressed. I think our movie may have been too fast paced, but otherwise I like it a lot. Due to the virus, we did not have extra time to talk together, and be in the same room planning so we improvised. By talking online, we were able to come up with something we all liked and could call our own. I did the editing and I like the way it turned out, especially my titles. I put effort into making it look sleek, and like it was professional. I also learned a lot of techniques to make things more interesting, and focused on getting close ups of objects to put the titles over. My favorite part of the movie is the ending, I think it is a great cliffhanger that makes someone want to watch more of the movie to find out what is going to happen next. The music is also a perfect fit as it matches with multiple scene changes. It especially matches well with the end of the movie which is why I decided to use it. I think we did a good job on this movie and I hope I can watch some of my other peers movies. This project may have taken a long time, but with the virus it felt short. I think if I did it again I would have chosen a more simple plot though. We did have to change the storyboard, which felt unfair to do. I even edited a different version of the movie to see which one was better! These options let us choose the best movie we could have made. and I can speak for our group when I say we are all happy with the result.

Music Video

This is the Music Video we did at the middle of the year in my sophomore class. I think this was my favorite of the films to create because  we had a blast every step of the way. It was fun to share our project with other people in our class. We encountered a lot of problems through coming up with a storyboard and filming, but past these hurdles lies greatness. We managed to work as a team and publish a great Music Video. The song we used was from extensive research and worked well with our cast of characters. One thing I could have thought we could have done differently is make a longer video. Our music video was sadly pretty short and I would have preferred to make a longer one. I also would have liked us to include more editing, the time frame for this project was pretty short though. I think that everyone had an equal part in making this assignment.
           The theme of a music video differed greatly between groups. Our group did a dramatic video with depressing lyrics. This worked well because having one emotion to work towards too helps viewer understand what to feel. It also made a steady video with an overall purpose to it. Our story shows that our group was able to work cohesively and put out a product we all liked. By adding a story to our music video, it was able to make our viewers really think, rather then enjoying the song. These music videos are our groups favorite, hence why we chose it. Overall, I had a really fun time on this project and would like to do another one. I hope in the future I will have an opportunity like this again.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


This is the Commercial which was the first big project my group worked on in my sophomore class. This was my least favorite film to make, as it was really stressful. This was because we were only allowed one day to film and 45 minutes in that span of time. This caused us to rush and not make the dream commercial we were all anticipating. However, I am proud that we finished this commercial with so many roadblocks ahead of us. Another roadblock for example, was when editing on the school computers, the editing software would not let us add any effects or it would not export. This greatly put us at a disadvantage. This is something we had to learn from experience though, any other way wouldn't have been as good. Although the editing is choppy, and the story may not be cohesive I am proud to look back on it as a start to an era of learning the subject. My group and I were fresh into this kind of thing, and looking back we were total newbies.
       Our commercial had a great storyboard, and we put a lot of effort into it. However, our dreams did not turn into the final project with such little time. This opened my eyes to real life media and how they can relate. If they have issues with time they have to change a story and can also not have a dream result. I think that why it is most important overall, to have something that makes sense. Which I think we did. This project was tough, no doubt about it. It's also the one I learned the most from, so it means a lot to our group. Projects like this really toughened us up and taught us how to manage our time which helped with our final project.