Thursday, November 14, 2019

Intro to Music Video

       After we finished or commercial we had to choose a new project. I had a lot of fun overall, filming the Gatorade commercial was very fun. We had Sean run in slow motion and it ended up looking really good. However, in this project we have replaced Sean with a new member. He will be better because this assignment is recording outside of school and Sean lived to far to travel to where we live to film with us regularly. He did help a lot during the commercial project. After all the issues of exporting it was finally over. I learned a lot from the commercial project, and will be able to use it for this one.
       Today in class we started a music video. The first thing we had to do was find a song with meaningful lyrics. We decided to choose the song "Gary come home". It was a sad song about a man losing he's best friend, which is a snail. We have a lot of good ideas on how to make a music video. The song has direct lyrics we can express through our video, which will definitely help our story. After listening to the song I can identify the genre as a sad ballad. These genres usually express a story of a lost loved one. They usually are regretful and have a slow tempo, which makes the listener feel sad and depressed. They usually have rigid camera angles, and slow moving rig shots. The editing relies in slow transitions and overlays with opacity turned down so you are watching two clips at once. For our song, the only sound will probably be the music. 
          Here are some conventions for these type of songs. 

1. There are not many costumes for a slow ballad like this one. It would vary on the story and message of the song. 

2. Lighting usually has dark shadows to represent a sad mood. It also usually has a defining light source in a dark room rather than a bright room. 

3. Acting is someone being sad or resenting doing something in the past. There may be a flashback in which they act out what happened to cause this problem. 

4. I wouldn't say there is any of specific makeup to wear for acting in a ballad. Some uses include makeup wearing off when crying in a flashback. 

5.  For props actors may use a fireplace to set the mood, and lose a significant item in a flashback. For our idea, we may use a dog as Gary and some other props.

6. The scene for our ballad could be in a large or small room, to represent loneliness or claustrophobia. This would help a story. 

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