Thursday, November 21, 2019

Music Video Storyboard

Gary Come Home by SpongeBob (Sad Ballet) Script-

0:00 to 1:10
 (0:05) The main character can be seen petting and playing with dog. This is with a High Angle and I will probably edit it with a grey filter.
 (0:10) Shows the Main character chasing the dog and cuts to a clip of dog walking out through doggy door for shadowing the dog leaving. We chose this because the lyrics point out that the dog left the singer. Cut with an over the shoulder of dog, and wide shot of Mc(the main character) chasing the dog.
 (0:15) Goes back to him chasing the dog. Still keeping grey filter showing it’s a flashback.
 (0:20) He continues playing with the dog but is interrupted by a parent giving her a son controller parent is off-screen. Wide shot, shows dog being cut off and ignored by the owner.
 (0:25) Shows him playing games and cuts to a dog looking at him playing games. Wide shot of him playing games. Low shot next to the dog during the scene with the dog looking at him. This shows the dog wanting attention, but being ignored again.
 (0:30) Shows dog looking at an empty dog bowl while MC comes in not feeding or paying attention to the dog. Low shot, with dog bowl prop.
 (0:35) Color comes in from the grey filter (which was a flashback) as it shows a clip of dog leaving. Wide Shot. Also with dark lighting or shadow effects.
 (0:40) Shows MC looking for a dog and MC shocked to find an empty dog bowl. Low shot near dog bowl. Dark lighting effect. This is an important scene as it relates a lot to the story.
 (0:45) Shows MC putting up posters looking for the dog. Medium shot. Props poster and stapler.
 (0:50) Shows MC sitting on the couch holding a phone to symbolize him waiting for dog. A long shot with a phone prop.
 (0:55) Shows empty bowl, phone and a game controller showing what went wrong. Close up.
 (1:00) Next, we have the main character opening the door after hearing knocking. Wide shot.
 (1:05) Shows close-ups of the hand near door and MC reaching for it.
 (1:10) Shows a dog on the other side of the door. Close up and the song ends.

 Costumes: Casual clothing or informal wear jackets normal t-shirts but clothing will change as video goes on symbolizing time. We may have specific clothing for a parent's hand. We might also include them looking more stressed as time goes on.

 Settings: Living room, Bedroom, Den, and front yard line. We may go around the street to put up posters or in a public place like the school.

 Props- Dog Bowl, controller, posters, stapler, and phone.

 Camera angles- Wide Shot, Long Shot, Medium Shot, and Low angle, Over the Shoulder (possible), Medium close up, Close up, Slow pan.

 Editing- Cuts, Greyscale, Good transitions, clips relating to audio cues. I want to make the editing a lot better this time around.

 Makeup- None, we don't need anything special other than them to look sad.

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