-Extreme use of eye-line match shots and over the shoulder shots
-Establishing shot, wide shot, and shot reverse shots
-A lot of low angles and pans that follow the main charter in the scene
-regular use of close ups, especially in intense or emotional scenes
Mis En Scene:
-Very grey lighting with small amounts of high contrast
-realistic looking costumes (military uniforms) and fake blood/ death marks
-European city, research labs, warehouses, helicopters, etc settings, very realistic
-A lot of cars, guns and other realistic props
-Not very colorful, very dark as well, very little natural light, until action slow down.
-A lot of jump cuts
-Eye-line matches for the main charter are common
-Slow motion during explosions or crucial action
-occasionally uses graphic matches
-Heavy use of background music to build the mood
-Good use of ambient sound (plasma blasts, gun shots, screams)
Elements of the movie:
-The movie follows a head engineer who is sent to a warzone to help fix the “bug with his tech”. when he arrives, he discovers the specters are real and they start killing people. The city is overrun but the ghosts can be found when exposed to specific low frequency light. Using a new form of plasma weapons, they trace the specters back to the source and discover that they are a weapon created by the government. They disrupt the neural transmissions and destroy the facility. Happy ending.
-The main conflict is between the man protagonist and fellow team members as they battle to survive and free the city.
-The movie tries and succeeds in making everything very action packed and suspenseful.
Elements I liked:
-A lot of very intense and engaging conflicts
-Good at building emotional relationships with some characters
-Happy ending
when moments are confusing the movie explains in a dialog between characters
Elements I disliked:
-Some of the turns are a bit ridiculous
-Some of the plot twists were over the top
-Lighting too was dark at times

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