Thursday, April 9, 2020

Original Movie

I am extremely proud of our group for what we came up with for our final project. After struggling with being separated because of Corona-virus we all came together to make sure we had a well-edited video. As we worked together we learned a ton of new things! It went really well and recordings were a blast. This video let us explore our taste in movies and really make something that could make someone impressed. I think our movie may have been too fast paced, but otherwise I like it a lot. Due to the virus, we did not have extra time to talk together, and be in the same room planning so we improvised. By talking online, we were able to come up with something we all liked and could call our own. I did the editing and I like the way it turned out, especially my titles. I put effort into making it look sleek, and like it was professional. I also learned a lot of techniques to make things more interesting, and focused on getting close ups of objects to put the titles over. My favorite part of the movie is the ending, I think it is a great cliffhanger that makes someone want to watch more of the movie to find out what is going to happen next. The music is also a perfect fit as it matches with multiple scene changes. It especially matches well with the end of the movie which is why I decided to use it. I think we did a good job on this movie and I hope I can watch some of my other peers movies. This project may have taken a long time, but with the virus it felt short. I think if I did it again I would have chosen a more simple plot though. We did have to change the storyboard, which felt unfair to do. I even edited a different version of the movie to see which one was better! These options let us choose the best movie we could have made. and I can speak for our group when I say we are all happy with the result.

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